Client Work馬祖高粱Packaging



With the spirit of old wine, the years on the island are sealed in the pit of time and brewed into sweet sorghum.

This bottle is for you who have been polished by life, but still keep your original heart.
This bottle is for you who are still waiting patiently even though the world is passing by fast.
This glass is for everyday life, for time, for you.


將馬祖酒廠的演變歷史轉譯成三原色RGB(戰地綠、海島藍、家常紅),而RGB交疊會形成白色象徵產生出純粹透明的高粱。從酒瓶上半部漸層延伸至透明,傳遞著醞釀的過程,倒酒的時候則是反過來讓釀酒注入生活,象徵著我們的每一口,都是海島的歲月,以「 老酒的精神 」,粹釀為甘醇的高粱。

The space can be seen as a place where historical and social events take place, and through the sensory experience on the packaging, one can take a journey through the history and value of Matsu's brewery.

The history of the Matsu brewery is translated into the three primary colors of RGB (Battlefield Green, Island Blue, and Home Red), which overlap to form a white color symbolizing the production of pure, transparent sorghum. The gradual transition from the top half of the bottle to transparency conveys the brewing process, while the pouring of the wine is the reverse, allowing the brewing to be infused with life, symbolizing that every sip we take is a sip of the island's years, which are brewed into sweet sorghum in the “spirit of old wine.

( 以上內容為前世今生系列提案款式 )


Client: 荒嶼視覺
Creative Direction: 朱容瑩, Chieh Lu
Art Direction: Chieh Lu
Packaging: Chieh Lu
Copywrite: 朱容瑩
Print: 李盒包裝設計